If you’re wondering what Acute Rheumatic Fever is all about, read on. This article covers the causes, symptoms, and complications of this disease. You’ll also learn how to deal with cardiac involvement if your loved one suffers from rheumatic fever. The goal of this article is to help you understand what acute rheumatic fever is, what causes it, and how to get the best care possible.
Treatment of rheumatic fever
Nursing care plans for patients with rheumatic fever should address the severity of their condition and the specific symptoms they are experiencing. This illness is characterized by fever, increased heart rate, and pain in the joints. Some patients also develop rash, and cardiac involvement can lead to elevated blood pressure. The patient may also be restless and have uncontrollable body movements. Symptoms of this illness include an increased risk of heart complications, which require intensive care.
For patients with rheumatic fever, treatment may include the use of corticosteroids and anti-inflammatory medications. Aspirin in anti-inflammatory doses can ease most symptoms, though corticosteroids are often prescribed for those with more severe disease. Cardiomegaly and third-degree heart block are also symptoms of Carditis. Patients with severe chorea or Sydenham chorea may require anticonvulsants. Other treatments may include joint therapy or heart surgery.
Symptoms of rheumatic fever
Acute rheumatic fever is characterized by a red rash on the trunk, fever and other symptoms. The nurse suspects that Molly may have rheumatic fever. While taking a history, the nurse takes into account the age, the child’s past medical history, the fever that started 3 days ago and his or her lack of interest in eating.
If your child has strep throat or scarlet fever, they are at a higher risk for developing rheumatic fever. Children with a weakened immune system are also at higher risk. In addition, children who regularly get strep infections are more prone to developing rheumatic fever. While these are common childhood illnesses, they can lead to more serious complications. If left untreated, rheumatic fever can affect the heart, joints, and other organs. Patients with this infection may require lifelong medical care.
Complications of rheumatic fever
Acute rheumatic fever is characterized by a high fever and increased heart rate. These symptoms are indicative of cardiac involvement and require nursing care. Other symptoms of rheumatic fever include rash, pain, and decreased activity. A nursing care plan should be based on the patient’s current state of health and the potential complications that could arise. The goals of care for patients with acute rheumatic fever should include minimizing the pain and increasing activity levels.
If left untreated, rheumatic fever can lead to life-threatening complications. Heart tissue can become damaged or scarred and the patient may develop rheumatic heart disease. Eventually, the condition may cause heart valve damage or congestive heart failure. As a result, a nursing care plan must include monitoring for changes in the patient’s condition and activity level.
Treatment of rheumatic heart disease
Symptoms of rheumatic heart disease can be quite serious. In severe cases, surgery is required to replace the damaged valve. Antibiotics are prescribed to prevent and treat strep infections, which are the main causes of rheumatic fever. Anti-inflammatory drugs can also be prescribed for the condition to prevent further heart damage. In addition to these drugs, other medicines may be prescribed to control the symptoms of heart failure and lower the risk of death. These medicines include daily or monthly antibiotics and aspirin. In severe cases, the doctor may also prescribe steroids and non-steroidal medicines to reduce inflammation and prevent further heart damage.
Anti-inflammatory drugs are usually prescribed for acute rheumatic fever. Aspirin, furosemide, and spironolactone are some of the medications prescribed for the patient. Generally, rheumatic heart disease responds to the anti-inflammatory drugs. Prednisone is used when evidence of worsening carditis is detected. Digitalis is an inotropic agent, which may improve the heart’s pumping ability.