Professional Associations
- Â Â -Job referral services
- -Legal Referral
- -Salary Q
- -Co-Worker Disputes
- -Employment issues
Temporary Permit
-GN permit expires in 75 days
-When pass/fail NCLEXRenew Online
-60 days prior to expiration BON will send cardContinuing Education
-20 hours in 2 years
-Fist time renewal exempt
-CE hours in area of practice
-Keep records for 4 years
-GN permit expires in 75 days
-When pass/fail NCLEXRenew Online
-60 days prior to expiration BON will send cardContinuing Education
-20 hours in 2 years
-Fist time renewal exempt
-CE hours in area of practice
-Keep records for 4 years
Initial Licensure by Examination
Must report any past criminal behavior or pending charges
-Minor class C misdemeaners excluded
(parking tickets, speeding tickets, jaywalking)
Five Categories of Trust by BON
Must recognize/maintain professional boundaries
-Do or say nothing that can’t be documentedViolations
-Physical, Sexual, Emotional, Financial exploitation
-Do or say nothing that can’t be documentedViolations
-Physical, Sexual, Emotional, Financial exploitation
Nursing Peer Review
Separate from BON review
(incident based or Safe harbor)-Rule 217.19-PR and Whistleblower
-Rule 217.20-SH PR and Whistle blower protections
(incident based or Safe harbor)-Rule 217.19-PR and Whistleblower
-Rule 217.20-SH PR and Whistle blower protections
Incident Based Peer Review
A nurse involved in a MI does not need to reported to BOn unless…
-Creates sig. risk fo physical, emotinal, financial harm
-Lacks a consiencious approach for accontability
-Lacks knowl. and compet. and not easily remediat
-Pattern of multiple minor incidents
-Creates sig. risk fo physical, emotinal, financial harm
-Lacks a consiencious approach for accontability
-Lacks knowl. and compet. and not easily remediat
-Pattern of multiple minor incidents
-5 minor incidents in a 12 month period must bereported to peer review
-Does not protect civil rights
-Before refusing assignment must recog. pt is 1st
May refuse an assignemt if lack basic knowlege/ability to render care
Safe Harbor
Must be invoked BEFORE care given
Or anytime assignment has changed and pt may be in harm-Must notify in writing
-Supervisor can’t refuse
-May use quick req form to make initial req.
-Comprehensive request must be completed before leaving work setting
Or anytime assignment has changed and pt may be in harm-Must notify in writing
-Supervisor can’t refuse
-May use quick req form to make initial req.
-Comprehensive request must be completed before leaving work setting
Quick Request Form
Making you work extra shifts, you have the right to refuse.
NOT when
-Emergency diasasters
-Ongoing procedure requires nurses presence
-Certain emergencies
Refusal to work additional shifts either doubles or extra shifts on days off
Chemical Dependency
Alcohol Dependency
Mental IllnessEven some prescription drugs
Alcohol Dependency
Mental IllnessEven some prescription drugs
Red Flags
Unprofessional Conduct
-Work under direct/indirect supervis.
-Work under direct/indirect supervis.
Work environment
-stable environment not home health
-Losing license is not uncommon
Nurse must be licensed in state in which he/she permanently resides
-if you move you have 30 days to change your license over.