For patients with dementia, a noncompliance nursing care plan can be a difficult task. The patient may not be willing to change his or her lifestyle, and the plan’s teaching materials and process must be easily understood. A noncompliance nursing care plan may involve a lifestyle change, which can be difficult for patients with dementia, because they lack the motivation or resources to make the necessary changes. Nurses can tailor care plans for this population to address the specific cause of noncompliance behavior, as well as adjust teaching materials for better understanding.
Avoid ultimatums
Oftentimes, a patient’s noncompliance with a nursing care plan is due to his or her inability to understand the plan and to be a good collaborator. Oftentimes, a patient does not understand the disease and cannot commit to the plan of care, and family members may not realize how serious the situation is. If this is the case, you must ensure that you understand the patient’s situation and how he or she perceives his or her condition. Then, as the caregiver, it’s up to you to determine the best way to work with the patient to ensure that the plan of care meets the needs of the patient.
Avoid power struggle
Oftentimes, a patient may be demonstrating noncompliance behavior if he is testing the limits of what he is allowed to do or the consequences of not complying with a directive. If this is the case, it is essential to stick to the limitations and consequences set by health professionals and patients, and avoid escalating the situation to the point of a power struggle. Instead, focus on the benefits of compliance and the benefits of not complying, instead of putting your power on the line. In case the patient refuses to comply, you should explain what the consequences are and provide your patient with an option.
Avoid denial of illness
Nurses can encourage patients to discuss their feelings and concerns by avoiding the use of the term ‘in denial.’ The term ‘denial’ has negative connotations and can be pathological, leading patients to feel dismissed. Although denial of illness can be hard for patients to deal with, it is a normal part of the healing process, and nursing care plans must address these challenges. However, there are some important ways in which nurses can encourage patients to talk about their feelings and thoughts about their condition.
Maintain meticulous records
In addition to completing assessments, nurses also need to keep meticulous records of patient noncompliance. Noncompliant patients desire to comply with the recommended care plan, but for various reasons are unable to do so. Some preventing factors include financial issues or impaired ability to complete a task due to disability. A nurse can uncover the cause of noncompliance and work with the patient to meet goals. The first step to addressing noncompliance is determining the patient’s perception of his or her health. If the patient is unable to understand his or her health condition, family members may not be aware of the disease or its consequences. A nurse can also assess who is in charge of the patient’s care.
Observable, measurable terms for outcomes
The nursing diagnosis of noncompliance is defined as behavior that does not coincide with a health-promoting or therapeutic care plan. Noncompliance can be related to a wide variety of factors, including patient safety, privacy, billing procedures, and quality of life. Regardless of the cause, noncompliance is associated with lower health outcomes, reduced quality of life, and higher healthcare costs.